Heritage Skills Training

DNPA Hedge Laying Course at Sticklepath
This project will deliver a programme of training to meet the needs identified within the Moor than meets the eye Skills Audit. In addition, it reflects recent feedback from farmers, tourism interests and volunteers. The training will be targeted at residents, farmers, tourism businesses, local guides, volunteers, recreational user groups and event organisers.
The project helps meet the Moor than meets the eye Landscape Partnership’s Programme D (Training and Skills) aim to “Offer bespoke training opportunities that will ensure the relevant local heritage skills are sustained and used into the future”. Working in partnership with the Dartmoor Hill Farm project, a training co-ordinator has been appointed to develop and organise the delivery of a range of heritage related training courses over the next three years, by:
- delivering a co-ordinated range of training events at the point of demand,
- developing a central module on Dartmoor’s heritage to support individuals requiring training in aspects of Dartmoor’s heritage
- training for a wide range of skills to support use of traditional skills in management of the countryside and vernacular buildings, heritage interpretation and visitor welcome,
- supporting more people to have knowledge and experience of local traditional skills
- encouraging more people to acquire and develop skills to benefit the landscape heritage
- underpinning delivery of the training events and courses through co-ordination by a part-time Training Co-ordinator.
Want to know more?
Speak to Chris Giles, Head of Conservation & Land Management, DNPA
Tel: 01626 831005
Email: cgiles@dartmoor.gov.uk