03 Jun 2016
Our Community Stakeholders' Group is still on the lookout for new members to advise the Moor than meets the eye Landscape Partnership Board of the views of the local community and a variety of user groups in the delivery of the Scheme until 2019....
18 May 2016
There are a number of invasive non-native plant species that occur on Dartmoor, of which three species, Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam and Skunk Cabbage are the most significant. All three species are highly invasive weeds, posing a real threat to the native flora and important habitats on Dartmoor. Japanese Knotweed forms dense thickets but is as yet not covering large areas of valley habitat or occurring on the open moor. Himalayan Balsam however is now covering whole fields, river val...
05 May 2016
Visitors to the Dartmoor National Park Visitor Centre in Princetown can see a fascinating exhibition by the Dartmoor Tinworking Research Group (DTRG), telling the story of tin mining on Dartmoor -or -how to get from tin ore to modern electronics, via medieval technology.Celebrating 25 years since the DTRG was founded; the exhibition focuses on Dartmoor tin extraction and processing through time. It also highlights some of the Groups current projects, including work funded by the Heritage Lottery...
26 Apr 2016
On a beautiful, sunny day in April, members of the Moor Medieval Study Group gathered in Bovey Tracey for an archaeological test pit training event. The day, part of the Moor than meets the eye Moor Medieval project, led by Historic Buildings Officer Keith McKay, took place in a garden in Bovey Tracey, thought to contain the remains of a Medieval building.A test pit is a small-scale archaeological excavation, usually consisting of a 1m by 1m square trench. Groups of test pits are used to sample...
04 Mar 2016
Bovey Tracey launched its Granite Elements Parishscape project on Tuesday 1st March at the splendid Colehayes Field Studies Centre. The project aims to bring together artists, historians and the local community to celebrate Dartmoor’s granite heritage by shining a light on the old granite tramway which ran from Haytor Quarry all the way down to Stover Canal. Despite being built in 1820 it is still visible in many places and the project will get people walking along parts of it, there will be cle...
23 Feb 2016
Granite Elements the new Bovey Tracey Parishscapes project is holding its launch on Tuesday 1st March at Colehayes Field Study Centre.To set the scene for the Granite Elements project there will be an illustrated talk by Dartmoor author Dr Tom Greeves on 'Dartmoor's granite legacy- People and place '.This will be followed by an opportunity for people interested in the project to get together and share ideas over afternoon tea. Granite Elements will use a series of walks, talks, demonstrations an...
01 Feb 2016
Are you a graduate wanting to gain experience in wildlife conservation? Fancy joining Moor than meets the eye and our friendly team here at East Dartmoor for a whole year? Then this could be the opportunity for you..We're hosting a year-long structured training programme for 4 graduate volunteers who want to consolidate their skills and knowledge in applied conservation management. More information available here:https://www.gov.uk/…/conservation-assistant-candidate-pack-…...
09 Dec 2015
With the decline in capital grants through agri-environment schemes, the state of some of the Park’s walls has gradually been deteriorating. Running over the next four years, our Ancient Boundaries, Modern Farming project invites landowners to apply for grants to restore high-profile, publicly visible stone walls and gateways in the MTMTE area and improve access. Utilising a mix of family, local volunteer and/or contracted labour the project will develop and retain heritage skills and help cap...
03 Dec 2015
Across the East Dartmoor National Nature Reserve, the History Hunters, a team of dedicated volunteers is hard at work uncovering the stories of the past using the clues left behind by our ancestors. Albert Knott of Natural England is the facilitator of the History Hunters who have been mapping and recording the remains of ancient leats, mines, farms and fields of Yarner Woods and the Bovey Valley. But now the advance of technology has given them a huge boost, opening up many new tracks of discov...
21 Oct 2015
Have you walked in a Dartmoor woodland at night and listened to the sounds of the wild wood in the dark? Over 100 people joined MTMTE to explore the Dartmoor story and discover Pullabrook woods in a magical lantern lit walk filled with stories, music, poems and excitement. The atmosphere was cool and the air was still. As darkness gradually spread through the woods lights began to glow, candles flickered in jamjars and people gathered with lanterns that had been made in workshops with local scho...
Last update: 07 Jun 2016 8:26am