23 May 2017
Take a stroll round the Tin Mines Trail at Brimpts Farm, Dartmeet and enjoy the bluebells that adorn Dartmoor at this time of the year. As well as learning about tin-working in DTRG’s display room, there is an easy walk around the South Mine Trail near the farm and the North Mine Trail on open moorland. Trail guides are available from Brimpts Tearoom and DNPA Information Centres at a cost of £1.50....
12 May 2017
Local wildlife volunteers and leading researchers got a chance to share what they are doing for Dartmoor’s birds, bats and butterflies as the Dartmoor Woodland Festival got off to a great start on Saturday 6th May at the National Park Headquarters at Parke. It began with a day of lectures highlighting local research into the wildlife of our woods. The day showcased the huge range of work that local volunteers get involved in checking nest boxes, counting butterflies and recording all manner of w...
29 Mar 2017
On 23rd March, members of Throwleigh parish (and some from across the border!) performed the Parishscapes-funded ‘Miss Varwell’s Throwleigh’ written and directed by Throwleigh resident Jon Bell. The performance told the story of two unmarried sisters, Emmie and Michael Varwell, who arrived in 1909 to set up home in Throwleigh. In 1938 one of the sisters, Emmie, wrote a book, ‘Throwleigh, The Story of a Dartmoor Village’. In it Emmie describes her love of the landscape and the history of the ar...
14 Mar 2017
The Welcome to Widecombe project is beginning to take shape. Designers, Platform One have now been appointed to take the interpretation brief and develop it into information displays, leaflet and walks booklets. The brief was developed over the last year with members of the local community representing local business, the Parish Council and the History Group. The project has been championed by the Reverend Geoffrey Fenton and supported by Andy Bailey from the Moor than meets the eye team. David ...
14 Mar 2017
Around eighty people gathered at Dartmoor National Park Authority’s headquarters at Parke on Saturday 11th March for the first ever symposium on Victorian Dartmoor. The free event, which was part of the Heritage Lottery Fund-supported Moor than meets the eye (MTMTE) scheme attracted academic speakers from the University of Plymouth, the University of Exeter as well as renowned local history researchers and archaeologists. MTMTE Community Heritage Officer and event organiser, Emma Stockley expl...
22 Feb 2017
YOUNG wildlife enthusiasts at St Catherine’s C of E Primary School, Heathfield, have been honing their ornithological skills by taking part in the RSPB’s annual Big Garden Birdwatch.Pupils in Year Three were encouraged to learn more about Britain’s feathered friends by teacher Nicky Rosewarne and Andy Bailey of Moor than meets the eye.‘They have really enjoyed taking part in the RSPB's big garden birdwatch,’ said Ms Rosewarne.‘The bird feeders they put out in their class garden has had lots of v...
11 Jan 2017
With the help of a Parishscapes grant the community of Throwleigh are celebrating Miss Varwells Throwleigh with the production of a play based on her book.In 1909 two unmarried sisters, Emmie and Michael Varwell, arrived to set up home in Throwleigh where they were to spend the rest of their lives.In 1938 one of them, Emmie, wrote a book, ‘Throwleigh, The Story of a Dartmoor Village.’ In it she describes her love for both the landscape and the history of the area, but especially for the village ...
24 Nov 2016
A group from North Bovey recently enjoyed a fun wet felting workshop with Claire Packer from Buckland Abbey to make bunting from wool, all in fabulous Dartmoor colours. This was the start of making a wall- hanging to use for village events. Bunting was originally a specific type of lightweight worsted wool fabric manufactured from the turn of the 17th century and used as signal flags, so it seemed appropriate as part of the Parishscapes North Bovey - History of Wool project.The project is look...
09 Sep 2016
The Moor than meets the eye Barbastelle Bats project in the Bovey Valley Woods (part of East Dartmmor NNR) is still helping scientists understand more about bats to help with future conservation. Last year researchers from Bristol University led a bat radio tracking project to look at these rare creatures. This summer Dr. Orly Razgour, a research fellow from the University of Southampton has started to survey these East Dartmoor bats as part of her European-wide genetic research project on bat ...
17 Jun 2016
From Monday 27 June until Saturday 2 July 2016 archaeologists will be returning to the site of North Hall Manor in Widecombe-in-the-Moor to continue investigations into this intriguing site.This will be the third season of excavation. The first phase in 2012 targeted the medieval manor site and revealed wall footings, boundary works and pottery that strongly suggest a high status medieval building once stood in the area.The excavation this year will continue to investigate some of the features u...
Last update: 07 Jun 2016 8:26am